• Montefranco (Merano)
  • 2022
  • Residential

A fabulous location, chosen not by chance by the former owners of Castel Gatto as a strategic place for their home.
The design is therefore oriented by the panorama: two wooden slabs floating in the hillside, in between glass boxes are fitted to allow total openness to the landscape. The overhanging slabs are creating terraces, providing the necessary level of shade and privacy from the street below.
The glass facade is structured by vertical wooden elements that echo the rhythm of the apple orchards that characterise the hillside.
The choice of wood for the exterior, a living material in continuous development, is intended to create a further connection with the landscape, allowing the house to fit in and evolve with it as time goes by.
Inside the house, white plaster is combined with exposed concrete, creating a material contrast with the facade.
Looking up the hill, the house appears as a kind of contemporary evolution of the near Castel Gatto.